Romance on the Cheap

Do you ever have those why didn't I think of that moments? Every time I read one of my fav blogs from the girls over at Design*Sponge I always get this spark of creativity that makes think this exact thought.

Isn't this just the cutest most romantic idea. Somehow it reminds me of the days when we were first married and didn't have two pennies to rub together. This is the simplest form of love. I believe that romance can be found anyplace. Especially on the cheap.

My Vintage Valentine

12:57 PM Posted by simplyamberl 0 comments
I admit. I'm a romantic. I love all things associated with Valentine's Day for this very reason. I'm a sucker for all the cheesy little romantic things that my hubby does year round. But especially on Valentine's Day.

I don't mean a dozen roses or boxed chocolates. I mean the cheesy text to tell me I'm the Lisa Turtle to his Screech and the Mint in his chocolate ice cream. It makes me smile and love him even more. myspace graphic comments
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